Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Day 92 - the end of the beginning in sight

Thanks for all your comments - it's always lovely to read your thoughts on things. It's nice knowing there are people there out in the ether! I think the blogs especially, and Minimins too have been the real support for me through this not exactly easy process. By which I mean that the pychology of LL can be very tough, obviously the plan is simplicity itself - not much room for misinterpretation there.

And I can't quite believe I've got this far. I know I've still got a long way to go if I am to get to a healthy BMI but I've done the 100 days (or nearly), not perfectly but pretty well, it's a definite achievement. I've not let lower than average losses daunt me and I've slogged away at it even when I've only been holding on by my fingernails.

Last night was the last time I'll see most of my Foundation class. It felt quite sad - I really want to know what happens to them all. One girl (R) I see quite alot and is moving to CD with me, another (A) I really like and hope to keep in touch with although she doesn't have an officey job and so email contact is infrequent, another (R2) I email occasionally and yet another (K) I found out works very near me so I hope we'll go out for lunch. Yes, that would be lunch with no food! Almost everyone looks so much better than they did 13 weeks ago. There's only one girl who I don't think stuck to it any single week and so doesn't really look any different - not that I'm condemning, she was doing the 100 days for the second time on the trot and obviously had lost some weight the first time round and seems to be happy with that.

LLC was less hostile. She never bothered getting back to me about the bars and she didn't have them - but then she still gives us the old vanilla unless we specifically ask for the new one. The after photo in profile didn't work so I get my photos re-done next week at the pop-in on day 98. Result! I was never happy at having them done at day 84. It's funny, I can see a slight difference from the face on the facing shot one but I wouldn't say it's dramatic. But other people in class disagree. I can see it in others - I think it's easier to be more objective (and less critical) of other people.

I do now have a real clothes problem though. This morning I was almost late for work - trying to find something to wear that's not hanging off me (I failed). Now don't get me wrong, I'm very pleased that I'm smaller - soooo much better than trying something on that used to fit but is now too tight (soul destroying) - but it is an issue. I might have to do a quick dash to Primark and New Look tonight after work (for decency's sake although really I don't have the money or inclination). We can wear casual stuff this week but from next week we're back in office wear - okay, I'm only in a couple of days as I'm off on holiday, but hopefully I won't come back from Turkey and find that I've put on so much weight that all my old stuff fits again! I'm prepared for half a stone but I really am going to be sensible.

Oh, and I lost 3.7lbs last night (official WI). Bizarre since I'd eaten (birthday lunch - I was very sensible and didn't have what I wanted but what looked like the healthiest and carb-free version. Still enjoyed it too). Think I might make that 3st7lbs since my LLC now says I've lost 3st5lbs.

PS Pear tart - they gave me plum by mistake. Sigh.


Conn76 said...

Day 92 - that's amazing. Well done on making the journey. I hope you will keep us informed of your move to CD - how it compares and how it works for you.


Lesley said...

Well done with sticking it out thorugh adversity and you've very nearly lost the average!! You must feel better for shedding all that weight and so quickly too?

Good luck with CD and keep us informed from the Dark Side!

Also, thanks for your tips re Duo boots. I was a bit unconvinced about the internet ordering myself and reckon seeing the merchandise and having a fitting would be much better. They're meant to be opening a Manchester store soon which would be great but how soon is "soon"??

Lesley x

Mrs said...

Dearest Peridot

I've re-read your recent entries and I just want to say WELL DONE YOU!!!!

Your weight losses are fantastic!!! And as Lesley says, well done for staying with it through all that adversity.

Very proud of you.

Good luck with CD. Really good luck; I hope you find a lovely counsellor. You seem to have connected with the women in your group, which sounds like a very good thing. I know it's absolute heresy but I think you can give Development a big fat miss. BUT do go back for Management; we can talk about this nearer the time.

Big kiss. Very, very well done.

Big hug.

Mrs Lxxxxxxxxxx

Such A Pretty Face... said...

Well done on this week's loss and for getting through foundation - I know you have few more days to go yet.

Good luck with CD and I would love to continue reading about your progress.


Sandra said...

It is really difficult to be objective with your own photos. It also really depends on what you wore - my advice is to wear something fitting for your pop in so the effect is more pronounced.

Last week we talked about body image and whether ours has changed. I hadn't thought about it much but I realise I don't acknowledge how much weight I have lost. 99% of the time I feel no different. But there is no denying the fact that when I got out the size 24 winter coat I was wearing last winter, drowned me. I had to buy a new one in primark - size 16! Something MUST have changed but my head isn't quite there yet.

I'm sure yours will catch up too!
