Wednesday 28 April 2010


How is it possible that my waist aches? Not quite as much as my inner thighs but surely more inexplicably.

I thought – clearly naively and perhaps arrogantly – that starting off running again wouldn’t be too bad to start with. I thought I might even have to hold myself back a bit and pace myself for the first couple of weeks. I thought the cycling might mean that I was fitter and stronger than when I first did this running ‘lark’. If you can hear hollow laughter at this point, it’s me. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, and ow, ow and ow. However, if it means that bits of flab are whittling away though, bring it on.

Having said that, I’m typing this when I should have left to go home and do Week 2, Run 2. Prevaricating, moi?

In other news, bf asked me if I had a specific outfit in mind for our new static caravan in Suffolk (he knew about the clam diggers and gingham shirt dreams). I told him I wasn’t quite ready to embrace Trailer Park Trash just yet as it tends to be a) short, b) tight, c) snow-wash denim. I told him he should definitely buy a wife beater t-shirt though. He looked puzzled.

I advised Beth not to wear beige however as she'd blend to invisibility. All caravans are basically beige (ugh). We'll be perking it up though - somehow. And it seems to be roomier than our flat! And 50 yards from the sea!

PS I was genuinely surprised by the comments to my last post from you, my lovely readers (inc Dietgirl, a genuine celeb, blush). If anything I thought I was a bit weaselly in not admitting, in a proper self-flagellation, that I had royally screwed up and thrust more calories down my greedy gullet than I had any right to, given my all too frequent whinging about my size, weight and impending wedding clothing dilemmas. Don’t know quite what to say (rather rare!).....

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