Wednesday 13 June 2018

Glass half (a stone) full

Last WI before the op (on Saturday).  I lost 2lbs this week.  Not to be too glass-half-empty on this, I was a little disappointed.  Only because my body has got used to this (really very rigorous) diet too quickly: my losses have slowed to 1lb every other day, with a STS in the middle – except today has been my first day of not losing (or even STS) but putting on (only 1lb but…).  I know, hand on heart that I’m sticking to fewer than 900 cals a day.  And I’m making sure I do plenty of walking over the course of the day (except on Sunday when I did some ‘light housework’ which apparently burnt 800 cals!  Who knew!  And I was being conservative calling it ‘light’ as I was, erm, glowing like a pig).  I had an ultra low cal meal last night, but used a lot of soy sauce so it’s possible that’s the reason – my engagement ring felt tight this morning.  Or it could be that I had a bar of chocolate last night – I only did this because I had the calories to ‘spend’.  I was delighted and really enjoyed it – I didn’t see it as cheating and it was all the more wonderful for that.  I hope it wasn’t that innocent (yes, innocent!) pleasure.

But I’ve still lost about half a stone overall in the fortnight – and given that my average has been 0.5lb a month, for, ooooh, years, this is an enormous improvement.  And post-op I will only be able to have fluids for two weeks and then a further three weeks gradually moving from puree to mush to less-mushy mush.  I think the calorie consumption post op is working up to 1000 cals – although I can’t be sure, but I did a quick google and it seems that the first couple of months is 300-600cals (My Fitness Pal is not going to like that – it has a fit on 800-900 cals) and then settling in to c1000 cals.  Every time you have the band tightened, you have to just have fluids for the first two days so I guess that will cause a lowering in calories – and hopefully a parallel lowering of weight.

I think my anxiety about the slowing losses is that I need this to work.  I have been feeling optimistic about losing weight – and the prospect of it coming off even more readily post-op.  I try to be cautious about feeling this way – after all, I’ve tried so many times and so many ways and failed.  And I have to learn to cope with gains without spiralling off the rails (to mix my metaphors) and self-fulfilling my own prophesy.  Today I’ve had a couple of Percy Pigs (I swear they have crack in them) and a biscuit.  I’ve counted it in my 900 cals, but I know it’s less than ideal.   I had to force myself to put them in my MFP – otherwise I would have ignored it and had more.  So well done me, but more improvement needed.  And strategies to deal with scaley disappointments.


Seren said...

Oh that’s brilliant, well done. As for dealing with the SOD - I have no idea what to suggest because I’ve never cracked it but I suppose you just always have to focus on the big picture. Easier said than done.

And yes re Percy Pigs. Love em, can’t actually buy them too often because I am incapable of leaving them alone.


Lesley said...

7.5lbs off in 2 weeks is a great result and will stand you in brilliant stead (whatever that is).

I'm laughing at the thought of ypur disapproving MFP. If it is disapproving now then the post op restrictions will have it wringing its little (metaphorical) hands in despair!!

Lxx (PS. Thanks for your kind comment - I like that blue t-shirt too. It has a Koala in the front as it's an Oz souvenir. I'm presently wearing it to death as hopefully it will be too big soon!!)

Hazel said...

Well - op day is pretty much here! I wish you well with a very quick recovery.

I'm not sure that my morsel (haha!) on advice is either welcome or timely - but I hope that your new tiny tum will bring some optimism to take you forward. No fatalistic -'well, I do try hard, and even so....', but 'this is where I want to be, and this is where I WILL be!.

Carpe Diem and all that!

Lesley said...

I hope it went well on Saturday hon. And hope that the starving is not too painful. Lxxx