Thursday 31 May 2018

Bean counter

I’m on day 2 of the pre-op diet.  It’s tough: 800-900 calories a day – so not quite a starve day, but still relentless as I’ll be doing this for 17 days. Er…. In fact, just typing that has made me realise what a doofus I am – I had intended to do it for 10 days….  Well, dear Reader, now I’m on it, I might as well carry on.  It does make me feel better about the next few sentences.  There will be a couple of days (so far) that I won’t be able to be quite that strict.  Tonight I am meeting my brother and nieces to shop for one (or possibly both) for her birthday.  In an appalling shop which, as I understand it, is a sort of clothes spin off of Victoria’s Secret, called Pink – within Victoria’s Secret.  Sounds like my worst nightmare and I’m certainly not going in without her.  Anyway, we’re going for dinner afterwards – it’s likely to be either sushi - which I’m not mad about but can definitely be restrained as it’s from a conveyor belt - or dim sum (I assume – my brother said dumplings but I’m guessing he means dim sum) which I love but think it will be harder to disguise what I’m eating.  I intend to say I’m not very hungry but cannot count on my stomach not to thunderously rumble its contradiction.

Another more calorific day is Saturday when I have promised P we will have dim sum.  I might be a bit more relaxed at the weekend actually, now I’ve discovered that I’ve miscalculated.  And we’re doing an (urban) walk on Saturday which is good for the steps.

Which reminds me: does anyone know about Fitness Pal?  I want to count my steps on it but I don’t want it to credit my calorie balance – is this possible?  Actually it told me in a stern (virtual) way, that I was not eating enough!  Ha!

I’m approaching the calories by… well, Fitness Pal, obviously, but also buying stuff that’s calorie counted for me (hello M&S diet meals).  I can’t be doing endless sums in my head to work out what I ought to use, what I am using and what I have left.  I’m allowing 200 cals for breakfast (although in the two days so far I’ve had more like 115 max), 300 (max) for lunch and 400 for dinner.  But this morning I’d lost 1lb.  I am guessing this may be temporary with tonight’s meal, but it is still a hopeful sign.


Seren said...

See, now, no way could I restrain myself in the face of sushi, never mind dim sum. You’re a braver woman than I!

I’ve used MFP a bit but only the most basic functionality so can’t really help you there - the idea of NOT wanting to credit extra calories is utterly against my ethos!! :)


Lesley said...

That sounds very restricted so I'm glad you're going to be able to relax a bit. Actually it sounds a bit like the 8 day kickstart I did with Lisa...I hope you have good results and it helps witb the op.

No idea about MFP I'm afraid. Automatic calorie credits sound great to me!! Good luck with the next few days. Lxx

Hazel said...

I don't comment often, but always look forward to reading your updates - you write with great wit and honesty.

If you have an android phone, Samsung have a good health/exercise app (free!) which tells you how many steps you've done, but isn't tied to calorie intake. Obvs you need to be someone who is never parted from your phone if this is to be in any way accurate.

Surprised you find calorie counting difficult (or do you just mean that it is a chore?) you must be a dab hand at assessing a plateful. Having said that, I'm not sure that stressing over the odd few olives (say) at this point is going to blow anything (although sugary/choccy puddings etc might!)

Good luck with the op.

Peridot said...

That is very kind of you, Hazel.

Yes, you’d think I’d be an expert on calories, wouldn’t you! Many of the (many) diets I’ve been on calculate food allocation differently though: carbs, syns, points etc. But I’m sure to learn this new ‘language’ as I go.
