Monday, 7 June 2021


 I ought to post more frequently. But I ought to do a lot of things. I am still dieting - counting calories of 1000-1100 a day. If I stick to it, I lose about 1/2 lb a week. It feels like a drudge, but I know what the alternative is, so I mostly stick to it. 

We found out today that P’s chemo has not worked. The tumours in the liver have grown and it’s now spread to his lungs. He continues to be as positive as ever. I feel like I’m suffocating with fear and misery. We’ve been summoned by the oncologist to actually both go into the hospital tomorrow. 

And against all this, I’ve been temporarily promoted to the head of a very under-staffed team. I’m doing 3 jobs - probably more. I feel so taut that one day I think I’ll just snap. 


amy said...

Sending strength. ❤️

Seren said...

Awww Peridot. If I were coping with half of that I’d have snapped long ago. Your strength is remarkable. Sending love. x