Tuesday 26 February 2019


I don’t even know where to start.  P was ill last week.  Normally he reacts very strongly to any attempt to help him by saying it’s “fussing”.  I was due to be out on Wednesday evening, but offered to cancel and go home, secure in the knowledge that he’d be appalled.  He did want me to go home although he was mostly in bed.  On Thursday he actually went to the GP – again, an almost impossible task to get him to go.  The GP sent him to hospital with suspected appendicitis.  We’ve been in hospital ever since.  I was up 41 hours before I made it home for some sleep.  I am not good at crying – I kind of choke it back, but when they admitted him to the Observation ward in Majors, I cried on my own, sat in a corridor, for 4 hours solidly, bursting a blood vessel in my eye.  They think he has cancer.  And in all likelihood has a burst appendix too.  They’ve pumped him full of antibiotics on an iv and he now feels fine.  But he has to have another scan and then we’re hoping he can come home, pending a more invasive test that should tell us one way or the other.  They clearly think he has it.

You read the stuff on the internet and it tells you briskly that half of people survive up to 10 years.  It’s just that I thought we had a lot longer than that.

I’ve barely eaten.  He was intermittently ‘nil by mouth’ and I would not have eaten or drank in front of him.  And I just didn’t feel like anything.  I’d eat nothing all day and then come home and eat a couple of pieces of toast and marmite. I lost a couple of lbs the first day.  And from MFP, I know I’m eating 600-800 calories a day.  But my hateful body has worked it out and is somehow managing to put on weight at that rate.  ¼ lb a day.  It’s inexplicable.  But I’m just too tired and too miserable to really care.


Stephbospoon said...

I don't know what to say apart from send you a big hug and make the tentative suggestion that it may not be cancer - even though you suspect it is. Don't worry about that until the tests confirm it either way. And please stop torturing yourself about your weight amongst all this. It really doesn't matter!

Anonymous said...

Shit, lovely, for some reason I entirely missed this post in my blog feed. I am so sorry to not have been straight on here for a comment and a virtual hug.

You may know more by now - I have fingers, toes and eyes crossed for good news.

If you don't - please, as Steph says, don't assume the worst. My SIL was recently having invasive tests and the C word was being bandied around quite casually and it turns out to be nothing. I think some HCPs forget that we hear that word and immediately tune everything else out.

You are brave and strong and I know that whatever happens you will get through it and if you need anything in the meantime then please let me know. Sometimes it is easier to vent to internet friends than RL friends and that is absolutely fine.

And yes, stop letting the SOD torture you while you have plenty of other stuff going on.

Big hugs (and Giant Hula Hoops)


Badger said...

(((((hugs))))) xxx

Lesley said...

Oh my lord!! I'm so sorry that you and P have been going through this. For so long too. Is there any news?? I'm hoping and praying that it is good. ((((((Big bear hug)))))))))) Lxxxxx